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Create Credential Request

Integrators can use this endpoint to initiate a credential request. The request includes issuance ID, credential type ID, payload, recipient's email, callback URL, language preference, and details for identity verification, such as type and requested information.

Request Body — REQUIRED
issuanceId string — REQUIRED

ID of credential issuing process. Can be random in order to not coincide with other issuing processes.

credentialTypeId string — REQUIRED

Credential type ID

payload object — REQUIRED

The content of the credentialSubject. This payload must comply with the same data structure of the credentialType of the credential that is being issued. Note that if there's an id field in the credentialSubject, this id has to be the did of the subject of the credential, following the W3C standard.

email string — REQUIRED

The email of the recipient of the credential

callbackUrl string — REQUIRED

URL where the credential request creation data will be sent (Not implemented)

language string — REQUIRED

The language in which the user will receive the email to accept and receive the credential

entityDid string

The did of the entity issuing the credential

identityVerificationMethod object — REQUIRED
type string — REQUIRED

Type of user verification method requested. Can be F2F or EmailCredential

userData object

If verification Method type is F2F, the UserData must be filed with legal user data.

userName string — REQUIRED

Full name of the user receiving the credential

userLegalId string — REQUIRED

Legal ID of the user receiving the credential

requestedInfo object[]

If verification Method type is EmailCredential, the RequestedInfo must be filed with the Verifiable Credential expected attributes.

path string — REQUIRED

Location of the attribute in the Credential Subject of the Verifiable Credential to be checked.

value string — REQUIRED

Value of the expected attributes.


Credential Request created successfully