Issue Credential
This endpoint allows integrators to create credentials within VIDcredentials Studio. It requires details such as issuance ID, entity decentralized identifier (DID), credential type ID, recipient DID, and payload. Optionally, integrators can include self-attested parameters and set an expiration date for the credential.
Request Body — REQUIRED |
issuanceId string — REQUIREDID of credential issuing process. Can be random in order to not coincide with other issuing processes. |
entityDid stringThe did of the entity issuing the credential |
credentialTypeId string — REQUIREDID of the credential type |
recipientDid string — REQUIREDThe did of the recipient of the credential |
payload object — REQUIREDThe content of the credentialSubject. This payload must comply with the same data structure of the credentialType of the credential that is being issued. Note that if there's an id field in the credentialSubject, this id has to be the did of the subject of the credential, following the W3C standard. |
selfAttestedParams stringProof of user identification |
expirationDate numberThe credential's expiration date specified in number of days |
Responses |
201 Credential Issued Successfully |